Saturday, October 16, 2010


photo by  roevin
 I have wanted to go to Italy ever since I was a child.  In fact I dont remember a time when I didn't want to go.  At first it was simply my love of pasta.  I wanted to visit where the pasta lived.  But as I became older and learned, I wanted to go for the people, the culture, the beauty.  It has come full circle now.  All of the cultural interest is there.  The people.  The beauty.  But it meshes with my intense foodie side.  The wine.  The fresh vegetables.  The coffee shops. Balsamic vinegar.  Parmesan cheese.

photo by  Scorpions and Centaurs
And now I get to go.  

Last week I turned 40.  And for my birthday my husband presented me with a guidebook and a card saying it was time for us to drink wine and coffee and eat organic food in Italy.  So in 2011, I will get to fulfill the dream of a lifetime.

 I am going to Italy.


  1. KIM!! Oh sweetheart-I am so happy for you! What joy- what a wonderful gift. You will love every inch, bite, sip, scent, sight of that gracious, stunning place. No one could appreciate it more.
    When? Where?

  2. When? not tourist season! So sometime from January-May or August-December. Once Bo decides how long he can take from work we can pin down where to go - but DEFINITELY Florence for a day or two and the Tuscan countryside for an infinite amount of time...
